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Sex Ed with DB

Mar 31, 2023

How do I know which birth control method is best for me? DB laments over her birth control experience and empowers listeners to figure out which birth control method might be best for them by answering three important questions.


Sex Ed with DB, Season 7 is Sponsored by:

Lion's DenUberlubeMagic WandFuture...

Mar 24, 2023

What is the current state of sex ed in the US? DB learns from The Guttmacher Institute about requirements certain US states have when it comes to teaching about sex ed and HIV education.


Sex Ed with DB, Season 7 is Sponsored by:

Lion's DenUberlubeMagic WandFuture Method, and Freya.

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Mar 17, 2023

What do I need to know about the morning after pill? First and foremost: the morning after pill DOES NOT cause an abortion. DB educates on what emergency contraception is, how it works, the different emergency contraception options that exist, and how emergency contraception differs from medications that cause...

Mar 10, 2023

Why am I not turned on easily? DB talks about cultivating positive mental health, engaging in masturbation, and understanding the asexuality spectrum as possible frameworks to address this listener question.

Follow @zoestoller on Instagram and TikTok to learn more about asexuality education and identities.


Sex Ed...

Mar 3, 2023

Why is BMI a bad health indicator? DB gets passionate about the fact that fatphobia is so pervasive it needs to be unlearned. She goes over the fact that you can't tell how healthy a person is just by looking at them and some of the structural and interpersonal ways that fatphobia is perpetuated.


Sex Ed with DB,...