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Sex Ed with DB

Mar 3, 2023

Why is BMI a bad health indicator? DB gets passionate about the fact that fatphobia is so pervasive it needs to be unlearned. She goes over the fact that you can't tell how healthy a person is just by looking at them and some of the structural and interpersonal ways that fatphobia is perpetuated.


Sex Ed with DB, Season 7 is Sponsored by:

Lion's DenUberlubeMagic WandFuture Method, and Freya.

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About Sex Ed with DB:

Sex Ed with DB is a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got through unique and entertaining storytelling, centering LGBTQ+ and BIPOC experts. We discuss topics such as birth control, pleasure, LGBTQ+ health and rights, abortion, consent, BDSM, sex and disability, HIV, sex in the media, and more. 


Sex Ed with DB, Season 7 Team:

Creator, Host, Executive Producer: Danielle Bezalel (DB)

Producer and Communications Lead: Cathren Cohen

Social Media Intern: Sarah Kelly